Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Trimasina Dashed For The City Gate

A curious hybrid aliens and horses..pencil HB..
the verticals of the guards breaks up the horizontal aspect of the drawing..
This started out as a horse head drawing for a Thirty Years War illustration ..the horse was drawn over a year ago..

Monday, 20 February 2012

Snark Hunting on Tiberian Ostrich on the Planet Tiberius

Pencil drawing from sketch book..exercise in drawing large birds after reading David Attenborough's
1961 blockbuster "Zoo Quest to Madagascar"..

Sgt. Schultz's Finest Hour

pencil drawning.. test piece for a new pencil


a friend of Doctor jekyll...drew this with pencil and distorted in photoshop.. drew this after reading Nabokov
on R.L. Stevenson...